Skimboarding in Vancouver

I love photography!

I think I must have the coolest job ever; I am a photographer in Vancouver and on the North Shore.  I love photography – I love my job!  I mean who else still does their job even on their days off?  Photographers!  I love to bring my camera out and shoot my kids, their friends and all of them just hanging out and having fun.  I often head out to Jericho or Spanish Banks in the summer and the kids go skimboarding and play on the beach; perfect spot to photograph, especially in the morning.  The tide is out so there are stunning reflections, the city is there for a cool backdrop and the kids are happy so they make perfect subjects.  The picture below is from a day when there was a whole gang of us out there playing.  I will treasure this shot of my kids forever.  I caught a moment of time where they are totally happy, being themselves and doing something that they love and beg to do.  I know when they are older and look back on these they will remember the fun we had on those days.  I love that my job allows me to do that.  I really love that I can do it for other families too.  I harp on this all the time, but as parents, we must exist in pictures. We must.  We need to be photographed with our loves and print those pictures, put them on our walls, make albums and treasure these reminders of happy days and of our love.  Enjoy these pictures of my family and friends and think of the perfect day you would love to capture so your family can treasure those moments forever too.

vancouver photographer, skim boarding at Jericho
Skim Boarding photographed in Vancouver



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